Monday, October 19, 2009

Museum Date Night - Muder Mystery Dinner Theater

It was a night with murder! Our Halloween Date Night “Murder Mystery Dinner Theater” was a blast for all those involved. The couples in attendance had the opportunity to interrogate suspects and reveal who they thought was the murderer. Was it Professor Bunsen or was it Sir Hamish Hogwash. Perhaps it was Gigi Sparkle or Lading Fading. If you were in attendance you found out that it was the person you least suspected. We had pizza and pumpkin pie. Absolutely delicious! After the show we were delighted with yet another Scary show…this time it involved scary animals. We learned about wolves, owls, bats, and ravens along with the folkloric traditions behind each animal. For those couples who stuck around after both shows, we were delighted to be given a tour of the museum by Matt Meese. All in all, Date Night was a great success. If you missed out this time around, make sure you sign up earlier for the next date night during the winter semester!

Michael, museum educator

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