Friday, April 29, 2016

Happy Arbor Day!

Happy Arbor Day from the Bean Museum!
Since Bean Museum patrons are smart, I’m assuming you know trees can be really heavy, but did you know that some trees are actually THE heaviest organisms in the world? Pando, a colony of quaking aspen trees, is considered to be the heaviest living organism weighing in at about 6,600 tons. Each trunk in the colony shares identical genetics.
Quaking Aspens 
To learn more about trees, visit the Arbor Day Foundation.  
To learn more about Provo’s very own trees, visit BYU Tree Tours to find out how you can discover purple leaf plums, lily magnolias, and horsechesnuts right here on campus! After all…casually dropping scientific tree names can be pretty attractive on a date. #arborday #funfactfriday

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